Saturday, 18 February 2012

Must Know Keyboard Shortcuts - Windows

Note: Single letter keys are shown capitalized, but you do not have to hold Shift unless it's specified. You also don't have to type the plus sign; plus sign just means push the keys on either side of it at the same time.
Commonly Used OS-Level Shortcuts
1. Alt + Tab (toggle between programs)
2. Windows button + M (show desktop, i.e., minimize all windows)
3. Windows button + Tab (show all active windows in task bar)
4. PrtScn (save screen capture to clipboard; "paste" the image into an image-editing program to make it into a file)
5. Windows button (opens applications menu)

Browser Shortcuts
6. Ctrl + T (open a new tab)
7. Ctrl + Shift + t (reopens the tab you last closed; works multiple times)
8. F5 (reload page)
9. Backspace (go to previous page; works multiple times)
10. Ctrl + Tab (cycle between tabs)

Commonly Used Shortcuts in Most Applications
11. Ctrl+ Z (undo last operation)
12. Ctrl + Y (redo last operation)
13. Crtl + O (open file)
14. Crtl + S (save)
15. Ctrl + W (close active window or file)
16. Crtl + Q (quit application)

Copy-and-Pasters' Delight
17. Ctrl + A (select all in active window; e.g., select all text on page)
18. Ctrl + X (cut to clipboard)
19. Ctrl + C (copy)
20. Ctrl + V (paste)

Find, Select, and Navigate Text
21. Ctrl + F (find; helpful if you're searching for a particular word on a website or document)
22. Ctrl + Shift + down arrow (select until end of line)
23. Ctrl + Shift + up arrow (select until beginning of line)
24. Ctrl + Home (move cursor to top/start of document)
25. Ctrl + End (move cursor to bottom/end of document)

Friday, 10 February 2012

Open Any File Using a Single Software

Code Files (.vb, .c, .cs, .java, .js, .php, .sql, .css, .aspx, .asp)
Web Pages (.htm, .html)
Photoshop Documents (.psd)
Images (.bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff)
XML Files (.resx, .xml)
PowerPoint  Presentations (.ppt, .pptx, .pps)
Media (.avi, .flv, .mid, .mkv, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .mov, .wav, .wmv, .3gp, .flac)
Microsoft  Word Documents (.doc, .docx)
SRT Subtitles (.srt)
RAW Images (.arw, .cf2, .cr2, .crw, .dng, .erf, .mef, .mrw, .nef, .orf, .pef, .raf, .raw, .sr2, .x3f)
Icons (.ico)
Open XML Paper (.xps)
ML Paper (.xps)
Torrent (.torrent)
Flash Animation (.swf)
Archives (.7z, .gz, .jar, .rar, .tar, .tgz, .zip)
 Rich Text Format (.rtf)
Text Files (.bat, .cfg, .ini, .log, .reg, .txt)
Apple Pages (.pages)
Microsoft Excel Documents (.xls, .xlsm, .xlsx)
Comma-Delimited (.csv)
Outlook Messages (.msg)
PDF Documents (.pdf)
 vCard Files (.vcf)
EML Files (.eml)

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Scan Your Facebook Account With Norton

Norton launched a facebook security app that scans your news feeds and identifies URLs containing security risks such as phishing sites, malicious downloads and links to unsafe external sites. With this application, you can easily see which links in your News Feed are unsafe for you or your friends to click on. From the scan results page you can go through detailed feed analysis.